Envisaging the Future of the Feldenkrais Method

den . Träffar: 9060

(How close are we to Moshe’s vision of Our Profession?)

by Yochanan Rywerant.

     The future of the Feldenkrais Method lies not only in aiming at a steadily increasing number of practitioners, but also in increasing actively the quality of those practitioners. Moshe Feldenkrais himself has been very keen in asserting that his Method is not to be considered another kind of physiotherapy or movement training. He was ridiculing the opinion of some people that considered his system as a kind of "body - work." He strongly believed that people can learn to have better control over their actions, and hence be healthier. It had to start with clarifying certain ways the brain perceives and acts and seeing the movements of the body as expressing processes within the central nervous system (CNS)....

Read the article published in The Feldenkrais Journal in PDF[+]  or transcribed PDF[+]

Tags: Feldenkraisteori Yochanan Rywerant

Språkets begränsningar

The world is not just black and white, but rather it has all possible shades of grey.

It is easier to understand one another when we are friends, and have established a common meaning of words, than to speak precisely enough to be understood by those who do not wish to be led up the garden path.

Moshe Feldenkrais The Elusive Obvious, Basic Feldenkrais