Moshe Feldenkrais - all inclusive

Ingenieur Docteur Moshe Feldenkrais

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Le Grade d’INGENIEUR-DOCTEUR Moshe Feldenkrais 

Sorbonne 30 November 1945


(The Swedish technology doctoral degree was introduced following the example of Germany, where the title Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) was introduced in 1899.
In English-speaking countries, doctors in engineering, on the other hand, usually have the same doctoral titles as natural scientists, usually Philosophiae doctor (Ph.D.).
Therefore, Swedish technology doctoral degrees are translated into Ph.D.)

(Den svenska teknologie doktorsgraden infördes efter förebild från Tyskland, där titeln Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) infördes 1899.
I engelskspråkiga länder brukar doktorer inom ingenjörsvetenskap däremot ha samma doktorstitlar som naturvetare, vanligen Philosophiae doctor (Ph.D.).
Därför översätts svensk teknologie doktorsexamen till Ph.D.) Länk[+]

Språkets begränsningar

The world is not just black and white, but rather it has all possible shades of grey.

It is easier to understand one another when we are friends, and have established a common meaning of words, than to speak precisely enough to be understood by those who do not wish to be led up the garden path.

Moshe Feldenkrais The Elusive Obvious, Basic Feldenkrais