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With Honor to Yochanan Rywerant

by Moti Nativ

"Yochanan Ryverant began learning from Dr. Feldenkrais about the Method in 1952; I was then two years old. Many people learned from and followed Yochanan for decades. I was lucky to have the opportunity to become Yochanan’s student and friend, during the last two years of his life.

From my first contact with the Feldenkrais Method in 1986, I had known about Yochanan Rywerant. Since 1994, while becoming an Israeli Feldenkrais practioner, I heard interesting stories about him from my colleagues, but rarely encountered him..."

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Tags: Yochanan Rywerant

Språkets begränsningar

The world is not just black and white, but rather it has all possible shades of grey.

It is easier to understand one another when we are friends, and have established a common meaning of words, than to speak precisely enough to be understood by those who do not wish to be led up the garden path.

Moshe Feldenkrais The Elusive Obvious, Basic Feldenkrais